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hanging with a hung

15 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong // +852 3657 6388


Zuma is one of my favourite restaurants in Hong Kong. The reason – their brunches are to die for, first of all you get unlimited champagne (and other drinks) AND you get to stuff your face with unlimited high quality Japanese food. What else would a nineteen year old want?

Every time I come home, my mum and my sister and I will all traipse down to Zuma for a feast. Conversation is often limited as we are too busy stuffing our face and running back to the extensive (really really extensive) buffet selection.

Zuma’s decor is modern, simple and sophisticated. There is a grand sweeping spiralling glass staircase that lifts the environment from elegant glamour during the day to fancy bar at night. The furniture is spacious with tables made out of light wood that reflect the sun…

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Friday, May 2, 2014

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Voluntarily Lost: San Francisco to Hong Kong

I don’t know how I’m going to do it. I don’t even know if it’s possible in Asia. But as I feel the tightness around my waist when I’m trying to button up my jeans, I know I have to give it a shot. For two weeks, I’ll be going on a low-carb diet. I decided it last night after getting back to Hong Kong, feeling bloated and out of shape. Essentially for a whole month, I’ve been eating anything and everything in sight. Ever since Shane arrived, I’ve been focusing on making sure my friends get a tasty introducing to Hong Kong and Taipei – devouring rice dishes, noodle soups, fatty meats, dim sum, dumplings, steamed buns, fried snacks, cakes, pastries, desserts, etc. That of course continued with Arjun and even though I did a lot of walking with the two of them, I regularly skipped the gym because…

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yaya chen 陳尹之

IMG_6421盂蘭節,也就是台灣所謂的中元節,英文翻譯為hungry ghost festival。






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Google sued in Hong Kong in internet defamation case.

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Case Watch Asia

Albert Yeung
The Hong Kong High Court has given a prominent business man Albert Yeung Sau-shing leave to sue Google for defamation.

Yeung’s empire spans jewelry, property and finance in Hong Kong.

David Hanks
This Hong Kong case against Google comes at a time when a business man in Thailand, David Hanks, has filed criminal indictments against Google for a ‘disgusting’ post on Google’s ‘Blogger’ platform.

The case relates to searches for Yeung’s name on Google and suggestions made by the auto-complete function. In both Chinese and English versions auto-complete proposes the word ‘triad,’ a reference to Hong Kong organized crime syndicates, when searching for Yeung.

Yeung accuses Google of libel and is seeking to have it remove the organized crime references.

Google failed in a bid to have the case dismissed before it can go to trial.

The internet giant that the Hong Kong courts do not have the jurisdiction over…

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Dutch Path: Short and easy “hike” or nature walk in Central/Mid-Levels

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HK Files

Distance: 1.8km (but you can carry on towards other paths/trails if you want)


I bet you haven’t heard of it. Well, at least I didn’t until last weekend when I decided I wanted to go for a walk but nothing too long. Nowadays Hong Kong is too hot for anything strenuous. Still I wanted to get out of the city even just for half an hour, without having to take public transportation.

So what did I do? Go on Google Maps and found this:


I didn’t know what it was neither have I ever heard of it before. But it was near and I was running our of sunlight. So I made for it. We took the shortcut through the Hong Kong Zoological & Botanical Gardens (NOT Hong Kong Park) and found some very cute and active LEMURS (King Julien in Madagascar!!!) which are so fun to watch and definitely…

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沒女起革命﹕「I have a choice!」

新聞稿 – 供即時發佈

沒女起革命﹕「I have a choice!」

香港 — 2014年8月25日 — 繼港女、中女、剩女、盛女之後,社會上又增添另一個更富貶義的詞語–沒女。女性如被標籤這類名詞,就好像代表自己「乏人問津」,難有幸福。MATCH & BEYOND首席顧問陳萱縈(Irene Tan)認為﹕「時下新女性,若想要主宰愛情,就應該要積極提昇個人質素,以” I Have A Choice”為目標。」有別於一般婚介公司,MATCH & BEYOND不只停留於男女介紹層面,更著重透過不同的專業課程,從化妝技巧、衣著品味、餐飲文化、玄學咨詢到兩性溝通技巧,助客人全面提昇個人魅力及自信,擺脫做盛女沒女的命運。

重新裝備自己 從此 ”我有選擇”

Irene 認為配對只是第一步,她坦言﹕「為客人介紹才俊並不困難,但更重要是成功吸引對方,甚至促成雙方的戀人關係。我總結多年經驗,認為感情路上的落差,多數源於個人生活習慣上的盲點。」

MATCH & BEYOND邀請不同專業導師,以小班或個人形式,親身教授一系列實用課程﹕

l 兩性關係書籍《一路向V》的作者VC Sir伙拍網台人氣主持及MeetU「戀愛微課程」導師小魔Miss,以男女雙方角度,教授約會前後的實戰技巧;

l Taste Canada銀獎得主、前香港萬豪酒店西餐廳主管Boris Lee分享品嚐各國佳餚的心得,教客人如何食得有品味;

l 2014中華才藝小姐國際大賽(香港賽區)美態總監、著名化妝師Glory Kwok聯同《狂舞派》男主角蔡瀚億專屬造型師Sam Fung,一同為客人度身訂做合適造型,著出個人風格。

輔以玄學角度 以免浪費青春


香港首推會計師審查 會員數據真實可靠

大部份婚介公司都聲稱會員質素高,但並沒有任何證明。MATCH & BEYOND為了令所公佈的會員數據真確無誤,特意聘請獨立會計師 Yip Wai Wing CPA 進行審閱,是行內鮮有的做法。現時,公司客戶以年輕高學歷的專業人士及行政人員為主。86%男會員年介30-45歲,最受女仕歡迎的銀行及金融業佔42%,接近4分1男會員更超過百萬年薪。憑藉經驗及人脈網絡,相信可以為客人提供優質服務。




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